Photo Credit: Cody Goetz
Photo Credit: Cody Goetz

Should you tip your wedding photographer? How much? While tipping is common and often ranges from $50 to $500, there are other impactful ways to show appreciation that can mean much more than cash in hand.

  1. Give them a Glowing Review

    Leaving a positive review on platforms like Google and various social media channels is one of the most powerful things you can do for your photographer. These testimonials serve as a powerful endorsement, contributing not only to the photographer's online credibility but also aiding potential clients in their decision-making.
  1. Spread the Word

    Word of mouth referrals can be a photographer's most substantial opportunity for securing more bookings. Share your positive experience with friends, family, and acquaintances, acting as a personal advocate for the photographer's talent.
  1. Share Their Work

    Harness the influence of social media by actively sharing the photographer's captivating work. Your endorsement, when shared across digital platforms, not only amplifies their visibility but also introduces their artistic prowess to a broader audience, extending the reach of their portfolio.

In the world of wedding photography, tipping, while appreciated, is not a mandatory gesture. Photographers recognize that their services fall within the realm of luxury, and many do not anticipate tips. Instead, consider expressing your gratitude through heartfelt reviews, word of mouth referrals, and sharing their work on social media. Sometimes, a thoughtful token like a bottle of wine or a gift card can leave photographers genuinely touched. The key is not to feel pressured into tipping but to explore meaningful ways of acknowledging and celebrating the artistry they bring to your special day.

Written by Canadian Wedding Photographers founder Joel Boily